Who Benefits from Mediation?
Who Benefits From Mediation?
Divorcing Couples
Divorcing couples benefit from mediation in many ways. One of those benefits is the cost of the traditional method with two attorneys compared to the cost of one mediator.
Some divorce attorneys charge a retainer fee between $2,500 and $5,000. When both parties retain an attorney this is between $5,000 and $10,000 just to start the process. In a typical mediation case, parties can expect to pay a joint total of between $1,500- $2,500 for about three to five mediation sessions plus a case fee of $500. The mediation sessions are paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis, the Mediation Memorandum document that summaries your agreements is included in the case fee.
In the end it isn’t uncommon for the traditional method to cost from two to ten times more than the cost of using a mediator.
Never Married Couples
Never married couples benefit from mediation by being able to divide belongings in an easy and effective manner. Unmarried couples work together to reach agreement on assets and sort through debt division even though there was no marriage agreement between the two parties.
Unmarried couples face emotional risks in the event of a relationship break-up. Mediation is an ideal way for unmarried couples to have discussions and reach agreements about protecting their interests in the event that their relationship ends. It gives the couple a sense of closure to an elongated relationship by separating and discussing issues that involve belongings
Parents in Conflict
Parents in conflict benefit from mediation by way of keeping not only themselves, but their children shielded from the emotional toll of a typical divorce. Parents considering a divorce are highly recommended to use mediation to build parenting plans that work for both parties and for their children.
Divorce/Parenting Mediation provides a process for clearing up differences and finding a solution that works for both parents. Mediation is not therapy and it is not about making changes in yourself or the parenting partner. Mediation helps parenting couples find solutions even if the parents continue to hold onto changing values and various parenting techniques. Couples divorce but where children are involved, parents will continue to be parents for the rest of their lives. You need parenting plans to guide your decisions in the future.
Couples Modifying Court Orders
Couples who want to modify or create new court orders as a result of a divorce can choose mediation as well. The privacy of mediation allows the parties to make each order as specific or as vague as either party wants. Not only are you allowed to produce an order out of personal want, but you are allowed to create one needed for safety.
If there is a legal issue occurring within a relationship that needs to be taken care and is in force, mediation will provide a way to help with that. The privacy given can allow one party to create a court order against the other if it is necessary.
Grandparents Denied Access to Grandchildren
The result of taking family members to court can split family bonds and create damaged relationships. Family counseling and mediation services are options that families can consider when they can’t come to agreement on their own. This gives them a safe place to consider each other’s emotions and resolve the problem(s) at hand.
The mediator guides the discussion while the parents decide what is in the best interest for the child in creating a visitation plan between a grandparent and grandchild that would not interrupt the parent-child relationship status. By creating alternative solutions the parents may choose which best fits their parenting plan, with as little disruption to the children’s schedule and routine as possible.