Posts by Mediation Team

Settling Child Custody Matters Can Be Emotional For Parents

Settling child custody matters can be one of the most difficult parts of a divorce. That’s because parents only want what is best for their children. However, two parents may have different ideas about what is in their child’s best interests. Albuquerque residents may have heard about the tumultuous divorce between football great Deion Sanders…

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Unwed Fathers and Their Parental Rights

It is not uncommon for unwed fathers in California and elsewhere to face challenges when seeking to assert their parental rights. In order to help ensure a consistent relationship with their children in the future, unmarried fathers are advised to learn about the legal issues they may face. In the event that unwed parents fail…

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Understanding How Social Media Could Impact a Custody Agreement

In today’s society, individuals of ages are interconnected through media sites. While this helps keep residents in California and elsewhere connected to old friends and family members that live in different cities, states and even counties, these media platforms are not entirely beneficial. For divorcing parents, the details and usage of social media could negatively…

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Can Divorced Parents Still Act Like Parents Together?

When children are involved, ending a marriage is less than ideal. Nonetheless, it is often the best choice for not only both spouses but also for the children involved. No matter the age of the children involved, parents have to make serious decisions regarding their needs and best interests. Because it is not always clear…

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A Look at Some of the Important Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Mediation is a process of resolving conflicts in a mutually acceptable way. It involves seeking the help of a neutral third party, the mediator. However, the decision-making stays completely in the hands of the divorcing couple, and the mediator just assists them in figuring out their needs and how they can reach an agreement that’s…

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Reasons Why Divorcing Couples Turn to Mediation

  While we covered some of the important reasons why a growing number of divorcing couples are turning to mediation in an earlier post, there’s actually a lot more to it. Mediation comes with many benefits over the traditional court battles, and is considered a much better option, both financially and otherwise. Mediation gives you…

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Divorce Mediation

Getting a divorce, a separation or an annulment is never an easy decision to make. Using a divorce mediation specialist is an important step forward that ensures that your divorce or separation ends fairly. Mediation is the most cost-effective and efficient approach that can be taken. Mediation Issues May Include: Legal divorce Separation agreements Child…

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Separation & Divorce Negotiations | Los Gatos

Separation & Divorce Negotiations Divorce and separation negotiations are best mediated by a professional that can help both parties reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both of them. Through mediation, negotiations can be done so that both sides get a better understanding of the other side’s considerations and viewpoints. With all of the animosity…

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Use Mediation to Discover Stress-Free Divorce Tax Solutions

When it comes to divorce, taxes can get extremely complex and mediation is always the best course of action to take. Without a professional involved, you are leaving things to chance and using a lawyer is a very expensive proposition. As well, getting things sorted through an attorney can be extremely time-consuming while a mediator…

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Written Divorce Agreements with a Mediator

Divorce can be a very difficult time for all involved. Changes are happening and they can occur very quickly. From one day to the next you don’t really know what’s happening and when you and your spouse can’t agree on the terms of the divorce, things can get pretty heated and complicated quickly. When you…

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