Benefits of divorce mediation Atherton Ca

Mediation is the procedure of solving conflicts between you and your life partner in a mutual, and acceptable way. This process involves a third person called the mediator. The decision to decide whether they need a mediator or not should be completely decided by the couple (about to get divorced). A mediator is just a person who helps them in figuring out what is best for both of them, and their children as well.
In adversarial processing, the involvement of divorcing couples is minimum. Unlike adversarial procedures, mediation allows the couple to take care of everything by themselves by keeping an eye on everyone who is involved. There are so many reasons why mediation is considered far better than hiring a lawyer. Some of the reasons are given below:
Not so expensive:
Unlike the typical court process, (which is quite expensive) mediation is very cost-effective. Both or parties pay the fee of the professional mediator who wants to settle everything between you and your partner. But if you decided to choose courts over a mediator, you have to deal with the costs, time of your hearing, dealing with lots of paperwork that will not take you to any suitable solution, and appearing to the court according to their rough timetable.
You have had heard of stories about a couple fighting the court to get their divorce, and the battle has led the couple to financial destruction. Sometimes, when the couple is fighting for certain assets, they end up getting sold to fulfill the legal expenses.

In certain areas like Santa Clara, Bay Area, and San Jose, hiring a lawyer can cost you more than $500 for an hour. Unlike hiring a mediator, both parties may have to hire their separate lawyers.
You can decide the fate:
This is another important benefit of hiring a mediator. The outcome of the mediation will always be in your hand. You will be the one to say the final words according to the agreement instead of some judge in the court.
Moreover, you will be the one to decide what topics should be covered in the agreement. The topics can be the future of your children, their custody, and some things that you will not want to leave unread.
Both parties can get more personal attention:
When you hire a mediator, you work directly with them. You will have all the opportunities to speak and to hear everything from your partner. Your mediator will be there for you to make better decisions, helping both of the parties in negotiating, discussing important topics, and arrange better options than divorce.
In courts, the judge is already so fed up with the hearings. They can hardly hear out about the things that both of the parties consider important. The judges just speak to the lawyers when they should speak to you. Moreover, the judges are so exhausted with the work that they hardly go deeper into your case.
Put that down, the mediator is far better than lawyers. The mediator will let you know all of your rights. They will listen more to you than any judge or lawyer can.
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