What to Wear to Divorce Mediation
If you have a divorce mediation session coming up you may be wondering what you should be wearing for it. Divorce mediation usually requires more than one meeting in order to come to a satisfactory conclusion on matters such as the division of assets and property, support payments, custody and much more. Quite often it can take several meetings to resolve all of the disputes and you’ll want to make a good impression when you attend these meetings. You’ll also want to be in the best position for negotiations since the way you appear in terms of both your posture and your clothing can make a big difference.
What to Wear for Mediation Sessions
At a divorce mediation session its best to dress in a business-casual style. After all, this really is a type of business meeting where you and your ex-spouse will be negotiating on important points regarding your life, your finances and your children. A business-casual look shows others that you are effective yet peaceful. It’s important to show up in a way that exudes confidence in yourself to show others that you believe that your opinion matters.
Being mindful of how you dress allows you to take charge of other people’s opinions about you without leaving it to their own discretion. You have some important matters that need to be resolved and you have to send out a strong message. You are responsible, caring, organized and tidy. Make sure that you arrive looking like you’re put together instead of out of sorts. If you have to visit the restroom first to make sure that you are looking great, take a moment to do so.

Walk and stand up straight and proud with a confident and polished look. You don’t need to overdo anything, it’s all just a matter of following common sense. The exact clothes you choose will not send as strong a message as how you present yourself overall. Choose some business-casual clothing that you feel suits you and don’t get too wrapped up in your decision. Try to look your best without going overboard and everything should go fine.
What Not to Wear to Divorce Mediation
Don’t wear anything sloppy and certainly don’t come to the meeting in exercise clothes. Don’t take it to the other extreme either by wearing fancy clothes that you would normally wear for an evening out. Dress sensibly and rationally to reflect how you are feeling inside at the moment. You should also avoid wearing any flashy, expensive jewelry since this sends a message that could be misconstrued to mean that you think a lot of yourself and look down on others. You are going to be treated as an equal in the session so dress the part.
Don’t show up after working out at the gym when you should be heading to the shower room instead. If you are nervous try to get your nerves under control before walking into the room. If you can’t, get it out in the open and be the first one to bring up the topic of feeling nervous. The mediator will appreciate your honesty and after having said it, you may start to calm down.
If you have been crying beforehand, go to the restroom to wash up and to regain your composure. It will be okay to cry during the mediation session but it’s best to arrive as polished as possible. If everything fails and you feel like you’re walking into the session looking like a train wreck, simply laugh it off with confidence. Your attitude and willingness to confront the issues will be more powerful than your outward appearance.